Edit this pageRefs are a way of getting access to underlying DOM elements in our JSX. While it is true one could just assign an element to a variable, it is more optimal to leave components in the flow of JSX. Refs are assigned at render time but before the elements are connected to the DOM. They come in 2 flavors.
// variable assigned directly by reflet myDiv;
// use onMount or createEffect to read after connected to DOMonMount(() => console.log(myDiv));
<div ref={myDiv} />
// Or, callback function (called before connected to DOM)<div ref={el => console.log(el)} />
Refs can also be used on Components. They still need to be attached on the other side.
function MyComp(props) { return <div ref={props.ref} />}
function App() { let myDiv onMount(() => console.log(myDiv.clientWidth)) return <MyComp ref={myDiv} />}